Liability Insurance


As a business owner, operator, manufacturer or service provider, the client may be liable to pay compensation amounts for others arising out of their operations.


These kinds of liabilities would come in different forms, including the followings:-

  • Public Liability / General Third Party Liability
  • Employers Liability / Workmen Compensation
  • Product Liability
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice

If you are surgeons, doctors of any specialization, anesthesiologist, pharmacists, nurses or any medical support providers (lab or x-ray technicians) you may need support in shouldering your professional liability. The provision of medical care and services is a measure of the progress of society, and in order to allow you to practice your profession with a peace of mind, we at Al-Nisr Al-Arabi Insurance for very competitive premiums, will provide you with a combined cover up to 50,000 JD for the following benefits:

  1. Legal Liability toward your patients arising out from any errors in conducting your medical services in accordance with the Medical and Health Liability Act No. 25 of 2018 which may cause death, disability or injury of your patient.
  2. Claim legal expenses, including defense and settlement costs.
  3. Covering the amounts that exceed the compensation amounts obtained from the Health and Medical Malpractice Insurance Fund.
  4. Additional coverage in the event of consumption of the limits of indemnity available under the Health and Medical Malpractice Insurance Fund  


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