Tree of Life

Are you thinking of insuring your family’s financial continuity in case of an unforeseen events? Are you planning to save for your children’s education and put them in a university of your choice? Are you thinking of a retirement strategy for the long-term? Are you thinking of ways to invest your money in global financial markets?

Then it is time for you to discover what we can offer through the Tree of Life unit linked insurance program. Tree of Life is a flexible all-in-one insurance solution that lets you be in control & make the most of your savings! It is the ideal insurance partner & the best companion in every stage of your life. It is the ultimate life protection & the road to financial freedom where you can secure and protect what matters to you the most according to your changing needs. It also gives you the option to choose where to invest your money whether in equity and/ or fixed income funds. Embrace your life journey without having to cancel your policy or have multiple policies! 

Benefits of the Plan

  •  Investments are made in global financial markets and managed by the best investment management companies.
  •  Flexibility of adjusting the benefits according to changing needs.
  •  Flexibility of building up the plan as per your payment abilities. 
  •  You can make partial surrenders from your investment account.
  •  You can choose to increase the premium/ covers yearly to protect the insurance and investment benefits against inflation.
  •  You can add the Total and Permanent Disablement rider and/or War rider and/ or Accidents rider.
  •  Flexibility to switch your capital between funds with varying risk-return profiles.

Covers of the Plan

  • Cover A: Lump Sum amount payable in one lump sum in case of death
  •  Cover B (Optional): Monthly payments to the spouse for a number of years specified by the insured in case of death
  •  Cover C (Optional): Schooling Benefit
  •  Cover D (Optional): University Benefit
  •  Retirement Lump Sum
  •  Additional Cover: Permanent Total Disability (Optional)
  •  Additional Cover: Accident (Optional)
  •  Additional Cover: Passive War (Optional)


Track your funds and see how your investments are performing


  • What is a unit linked insurance plan?
    A unit linked insurance plan is a multi-faceted product that offers both insurance coverage & investment exposure in the financial markets.
  • Can I make an amendment on my unit linked policy?
    Yes, you can request an amendment (such as changing the funds/ percentages and changing covers) by filling the amendment request form and sending it by e-mail to so we can study it, and if the amendment was approved, it will take effect on the next premium payment date according to the mode of payment.
  • Will my contract be valid outside Jordan?
    The contract is valid all over the world taking into consideration any special requirement or exclusion applied on it.
  • What happens to the policy if I did not settle the premiums?
    There is a 30 days grace period for settling each regular premium. If the premium remained unpaid at the end of the grace period, the premium will be cancelled and the investment account will be affected accordingly.
    Notwithstanding the non-payment of any regular premium, the company will continue to deduct the monthly cost of the insurance & the monthly administration and investment fees as long as there are sufficient funds in the regular investment account. Once the regular account becomes insufficient to cover those fees, the insurance covers shall be cancelled and the contract shall lapse.
  • Can I make partial surrenders (withdrawals) from my investment account?
    After the settlement of at least one annual premium, you can request a partial surrender from the policy up to 50% of the surrender value or the maximum monetary ceiling specified by the company. Partial surrender from the regular investment account will reduce covers A, B, C, & D by the proportion of the withdrawn amount over the total benefits.
  • Can I make partial surrenders (withdrawals) from my booster account?
    You can request a partial surrender from your booster account and the covers A, B, C & D will not be affected.
  • Can I switch between the various funds offered by the company after the policy is issued?
    You can request to switch the total or part of your current investment account between the various available funds at the switching date.
  • Can I request a copy of my contract in case it was lost?
    In the event of loss of the contract, you have to notify us by e-mail to and fill the contract copy request form, and we will provide you with a copy of the original contract within maximum 3 working days.

Let’s help you decide what’s the best plan for you